Since I didn't get any time to stamp anything brandy new, today I'm sharing one of Stamping Bella creations that I added to the Splitcoast Dirty Dozen Gallery.
My Dirty Dozen creations are some of my very most favorite projects, so I hope to share some of them from time to time.
The most recent gallery "Winged Things" opened up on the 15th, if you're a Fan Club member, be sure to go leave those girls some love. If you're NOT a Fan Club member, all I can say is what are you waiting for? I just love that place, I have SCS to thank for SO much, inspiration, friendship and yes, purchase enabling too!
This uses some designer paper that was one of my very FIRST stampy purchases, which I kept scraps of for two years, just in case (you do that too right?)
I made this card with my friend Carole in mind, we overlapped on the Dirty Dozen for one month, and she's a Bellahollic like me. She's also my sister in all things preppy! Lots of littles here this morning, its me and five two and three year olds, they're now bored with their little art activity. I'm going to down the rest of my coffee and go PLAY!
Have a wonderful day!
3 Comments Post a Comment:
Adorable and sweet! (just like you) *wink*
Love this Joanne! It's fabulous!
Sooo cute, girlie! Glad your hubby is home!
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