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Oct 19, 2009

Birth-o-Versary Blog Candy and a little Double Trouble

Today I have a fun little post for you, including BLOG CANDY (at the bottom of this post...) but up first is a fun challenge that my friend Karen and I came up with, she's so clever, and titled it "Double Trouble." Because, yes, that's what we are when we shop together. On Friday we had a trip to Starbucks, a visit to our Local Stamping Store Right at Home Scrapbooking and then lunch and a lot of chatting.

Who am I kidding? We both ran our mouths the whole time...not just at lunch. The dialogue at the store was like this "Oohh, did you see this?" or "Oh my goodness, how cute is thiiiiiiis?" or "Wouldn't this look fabulous with..." and of course, everything that either of us found, uuuummmm we both bought.

Yes, we left with lots of the same stuff. So, we had the fun idea that we'd both use one of the new Stamping Bella Green Bean Baby images with this fun October Afternoon Report Card paper that I discovered. Karen is posting today too, I'm headed over to see what she's been up to with her half of the "Double Trouble." I'm totally sure that its super super cute! I'm looking forward to many more fun Friday adventures and upcoming Double Troubles with "Miss K." (that's what my boys call her!)

My sample is made with Leila Always Measures Up, and of course, the October Afternoon Report Card paper pack. For fun, I grabbed this week's sketch from Taylored Expressions - TESC87. You may have already noticed, but I am *completely* addicted to my new Fiskar's Apron Lace Punch.

This is a big month for me.... I'm holding onto these last few weeks at 35 for dear life. My husband reminded me that next week, I'll be closer to 35 than 40. Um, that's not so nice. See for a few months each year, I get to lord it over him that I'm I guess I deserved a little gentle ribbing from him....

In other personal news, I've been growing out my hair since January. A sweet little friend of mine donated her hair and I was so touched, that I decided I could hold onto that ponytail a little longer to help someone.

My "big chop" is scheduled for October 30th. I'm excited, but also completely nervous. I think I have the eight inches required for Pantene Beautiful Lengths... the only question is if it will leave me with "The Mom Do." My hair stylist is amazing, and a few years ago I made him swear he'd never give me the M.D. no matter how much I begged. So, if it turns out that that I don't yet have enough length for the donation, he'll give me the bare minimum trim and I'll continue the growing process.

As promised... the Blog Candy Part!

To celebrate both my birthday and The Big Chop, I thought it was about time to celebrate with some Blog Candy! Its been a while! I'm SO thankful for all of you that come by to visit, and I cherish each of your comments. It so brightens my day to hear from all of you, and makes me know that my babbling in here doesn't echo.....

Here's what is included in my ...just a little celebration... Birthday Blog Candy Package

**MFT's "Grow Love Plant a Tree" and "The Poppies" Stamp Sets
**Stamping Bella - Gift Certificate for $15
**The Cat's Pajamas - "Smells like Cake" and "You Say its Your Birthday" Stamp Sets
**Unity Stamp Company - "Crazy for Daisies" Stamp Set

To enter, all you need to do is to create a project with a Buttony Bow on it. After all, its one of my very most **favorite** things! I'll leave the challenge open Midnight on October 26th. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I recently did a tutorial that will show you what I'm talking about, and how to make one!

Just a note: please be sure that you're only uploading NEW creations for this challenge, not linking up cards you've created in the past! Thank you!

I've added a Mr Linky widget to this post, so all you have to do is add a direct link (as in link to that post, not link to your main blog page) to your Buttony Bow creation and you'll be entered. You may enter as many times as you'd like between now and the 26th at Midnight EST. One winner will be selected at random!

I'll also be perusing the submissions and will share with you my favorites. I'm saying right now my Top Ten, but that assumes that at least ten of you will play, I certainly HOPE you do!!

30 Comments    Post a Comment:

Karen Wilson said...

Hi Joanne! Your post made me laugh when you spoke about your birthday and the ribbing. My hubby is 3 yrs older than me, he'll hit the big 4-0 next Sept, so I'm constantly ribbing him on that one! Now that I just turned 36 this past summer though, I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should be a little nicer since my time is going to come to! That's awesome about your hair, can't wait to see the new 'do'. I think it's amazing that we can help out in such a huge way. Well, I'm off to chk out your tutorial! Have a fun day!!

Karen Motz said...

This is adorable Joanne!!! I love the feminine side of this paper...good thing I have one niece to create for too! Oh, and I we discussed in the car last Friday, you're a spring chicken my friend!!! Here's how I like to look at age...add up the digits and that's your real currently you're just 8! When you turn the big 4-0, you'll be younger at just 4!!!! :)
Can't wait to play in your buttony bow challenge!!! :)

Jessica Diedrich said...

Oh how fun is THIS!? I have to laugh cuz my hair is up 99% of the time and I think I'm suffering from ALMOST-mom-do...LOL! Your giveaway is FAB- I recently got into the "buttony bow" craze, and this is a fab challenge! Glad you had fun w/ Karen-that DP is adorable as is the punch! Your card today using Taylor's sketch is AMAZINGLY cute! Was fun chatting w/ you over the weekend-will def. have to play along! Thanks Joanne!

Megan said...

A buttony bow? That's not a challenge!

I love your blog and you! I wish we lived closer. :( I'm happy it's your birthday and hope you have the best one yet. MWAH!

Jenn said...

Absolutley adorable! :)

Lisa H. said...

yeah for you-for your birthday (for the first time ever, I'm a little nervous about my birthday come Feb. I'll be turning 35), for your fun purchases, and for the fabulous card. It is sooo cute! love your buttony-bows ;) oh, and I like Karen's moto on age ;)

Janet said...

OMG!! you guys are too funny!! I made a buttony bow for my post today! I had to try it...i still need lots of practise!! thanks for the great tutorial!!

Helene said...

I discover your blog today. I love your work ! All your cards are very beautiful.

Unknown said...

Totally cute!! Love the soft colors - just got my Report Card pad today! Yea! :)

Danni said...

Love your card, very pretty!!
I totally understand about the ribbing on your birthday...I just turned 40 and my husband is 8 1/2 years younger so he had a hayday with this birthday! LOL!
I hope yours is fabulous!

Ann Kranitz said...

Hey Joanne! That is so amazing about your hair. It is such a nice charity to donate to. I noticed in your new avatar how long your hair got!! I am loving the new Green Bean Baby stamps that you and Karen used today. Super cute!! Hope all is well!!

Anonymous said...

Very cute! and loved the blog about the hair.

Janet said...

Ok i made another one:) I think its a new addiction ;)

Chris said...

great challenge! I have to see your tutorial and I have to make something with a button bow.
By the way, my worst birthday was 36, well, that was it till 50. That was awful but now it's party, party, party. Being an old fart is very freeing but you've got a long way to go till you find out.

Trish D said...

Such a fun challenge! I need to find some lighter weight twine, though :)

And happy birthday - I'm only 2 months away from my 36th birthday, and I must admit that the thought of it makes me feel old, but then I just stamp more to console myself!

Tricia said...

That was so much fun! I loved your tutorial and your little buttony bow is so classy looking! :-) Thank you for the challenge!

paula said...

OMG, your card is stunning and I too love that punch!

Debbie said...

I'm so sorry ... I guess I misunderstood the first time I read your blog candy post. I didn't even see where you could not post pics of cards made previously. I just read fast and scan and then run up to myd design studio to *play with my toys*!!! My entry for THIS challenge would be the first card ... "winter fun". I've linked your blog to my card for this challenge, so please disregard the other submissions. I don't see where I can delete them off.

Maureen said...

Your card is just adorable! I just got that punch and I'm in love with it too!

And I love doing buttony bows too! I have to stop myself from doing them on every card I make. BTW - LOVE the name buttony bow!

Megan said...

I linked to SCS. Can't blog it yet...have to have another post go live tomorrow. SOOOOOON! I can enter more than once?!?! OH BOY!!

Jessica Diedrich said...

Hahaha my card is a LITTLE twisted but there is a buttony bow on it-I love them too! Hope you're having a good day today! Hugs!

Tina said...

I did it!!! I finally made a NEW card... you mean thing you. LOL See what happens when you get older??!! *teasing* I love the card though... hope you do too! *smile*

Chris said...

I love the buttony bow, thanks for a chance to win some candy, who doesn't love winning goodies?

jen said...

I'm so glad I found your blog in the nick of time!
I love your creations! Congrats on the birth-o-versary! :)

suzARTe said...

So glad I got a chance to enter just in time. Lots of fun and so glad I came across your blog

Julia Aston said...

How fun Joanne! I made a card and linked it up! and I 'poofed' my bow!! great tutorial - happy b'day you spring chick - and that's a great thing you are doing - donating your lovely hair!

Jody Morrow said...

Thank you for the tutorial, Joanne. :) I uploaded my creation! :) HUGS!

Megan said...

Last one! I promise! LOL. I had lots of buttony bows to show you. ;)

Beth M said...

Happy Birth-o-Versary!

Renee' said...

Hey Joanne! Love your blog! You've inspired me to finally create my very own gallery at SCS! I was very excited to see the tutorial you (& hubby) made on your buttony bow and had to try it! Happy Happy B-day!


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