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Jan 18, 2008

Ding Dong Candy

I recently ordered some new Bella's to play with and when my package arrived I realized that foolishly I had ordered TWO Daisyboardabella's. That's what I get for not paying attention. So one of you lucky readers will get to have the other one.

To enter in this contest, you have to share one "ding dong" moment of yours! HA! This should be fun. I'll collect comments to this post till Monday at 8pm EST and then I'll have help me pick a winner!

Please be sure to leave your email address if you don't have one attached to your profile or else I won't be able to get your the goodies!!

69 Comments    Post a Comment:

Anonymous said...

"ding dong" many to choose from. The worst one was one day speaking with my mother on the phone. I was frantic while speaking with her searching for my cell phone. I had forgotten that I called her on my cell phone not our land line. DUH!

Kerry Johnson said...

I too have many to choose from. My latest was that I put my keys down on the floor of my van to get my daughter out, then closed the door - locked my keys in! Thank goodness I was at Whole Foods and had some time to kill before my hubby arrived to save the day! Thanks so much!

Wendy said...

Let's see, how to choose just one?? I remember when I was having my ultrasound with my first child. The tech had the screen turned mostly toward him. My husband had a great view from where he was sitting, but I couldn't see anything at all. I told my husband to switch seats with me for a minute so I could see, too. Like Adelina said, DUH!

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

I just had one yesterday...I was taking my 86 yo gm to her beauty shop appointment yesterday...specifically just to the beauty shop that I know...and as she's frantically saying, "!!!!" (for me to turn in) I drove right by it. I have NO idea where my wee little brain thought it was going, but I told Nana I was taking the "scenic route". Sheesh!!!

Kelly said...

I did this just the other night...I work with the elementary aged kids at our church. On Wednesday night we have a group time with the kids and at one point in the evening I send the preschoolers off to another class. There were two....I thought. I guess I just don't want this one adorable little guy to grow up because I sent him off with the preschoolers only to be asked later in the evening why I sent a first grader with the little ones???? I feel so bad about that - he's really small and in my mind I just want him to still be in pre-school! I'll have to make sure I apologize this Sunday, and believe me, I'll never do that again!! =0)

Thanks for the chance to win a Bella!

Linda F. said...

LOL! Always glad to read that I'm not the only one!
I belong to a small private yahoo group. Several times, I have sent e-mails that are for my daughter's eyes only, but automatically addressed them to the yahoo group! Once I was offering to help her (yelling at her actually) with her wedding thank yous! It went to the whole group. Thank goodness their all friends because not only did they realize that her thank you's weren't done, but they all took me up on the offer to help! LOL!

Anonymous said...

MMmmmm I regularly have this "ding dong" moments. Today was at work, I answered the phone with, "Good Afternoon, [insert company name here]" only to be greeted by a very confused individual on the other end- it was only 8 am!!!

*sigh* I guess I am really hoping for this day to end.

Thanks for letting me play. My email is

Tricia said...

Oh, let's see. How about a month or so ago when I started to unload my groceries into the back of my van at the grocery store when... I realized it wasn't my van!!!! I'm SO glad they didn't have a car alarm!!!!

Dee in Oklahoma said...

Uh..this is bad...but it was back in the 70's and I was telling my boss lady that the babysitter at the bowling alley was turned out to be her Mother!! I was so embarrassed..I did apologize to her...big lesson lerned not discuss others at work. 8^)
Hugs, Dee in Oklahoma 8^)

Anonymous said...

I have a bad habit of "going" to work whenever I get in the car. I haven't worked there in 10 plus years!!lol

Allison Rankin said... much time you got? Through my overzealous gardening this summer, I broke our lawnmower (which I had done before) and our leaf blower. In my house, we always get the warranty!

Anonymous said...

[12] Hmm, well, the other day the lady handed me the receipt to sign - but I just took the pen and put both the receipt and the pen into my purse. Whoops... didn't mean to not pay and steal a pen! I felt stupid once she kept staring at me...

Thanks for the chance to win!

belinda [at] alumni [dot] cmu [dot] edu

Unknown said...

my ding dong moment... is mostly when I am driving always passing up where I want to go, mind is on auto pilot and think I am going to work instead of running errands. go figure


Anonymous said...

Oh My Goodness, where do I begin? Just last week I needed to run some errands but knew my car was almost out of gas. My husband said he would take me in his work truck because he had to get some supplies for a job. I hopped out at one of the stops and WHOOSH the wind grabbed the door and whipped it right out of my hand. It opened so hard that it ruined the hinge and damaged the paint as well as the door and wouldn't even come close to closing. I had to go get my husband, who was already in the store, and we needed ratchet straps to hold the door shut while we drove it over to the auto body shop. It's fixed now, but his boss told him I'm no longer allowed to open the doors, i have to climb over from the other side. Oops! ;-)

Stephanie (

chica21b said...

My mom and sisters laugh at me all the time when I call a place of business and ask are you open? They all laugh and say why don't you ask what are your hours? They say obviously they are open if they're answering the phone.

Rosella said...

LOL! Just had one yesterday. I went to visit my dh's cousin. I looked at the map upside down and went the wrong way. Took me an hour to get my settings right. Mind you, I usually don't get lost. I usually read maps right! I'm blaming it on PMS!

Ellie said...

I spent 2 hrs yes 2 HRS looking for my cell phone only to find it in the CELL PHONE HOLDER of the baby bag I was wearing to go out, OHH HAPPY DING DONG TO ME!! lol


Anonymous said...

This one is not about me, although I do have many ding dong moments. This is something my daughter (18)did, she went to one of those coin machines, dumped her change in and received a receipt. In stead of going to the cashier to receive her money, she took it to the bank and deposited it!!!! A few days later I received in the mail, from her bank a note with the receipt from the bank machine in it. What is this???? I asked my daughter about it and she told me she deposited the money she took to the coin machine. I laughed so hard, I didn't mean to, I just couldn't help it. She's very lucky the bank returned her receipt so she could go back to the store and get her money from the cashier. Live and Learn.

Thanks for the candy

Amie said...

I can't think of any one in particular, but I know I've done these silly things several times like getting up to put my dishes in the sink and instead opening the refrigerator...or leaving a room to go get something and forgetting what I needed once I got there? My hubby lost his wedding ring for about 2 weeks...then when I went to go clean my ring we found his in the cleaning solution. Duh.

Thanks for the opp!

CraftyMomOf3 said...

being 16 weeks pregnant with Tyler and not knowing it!!




Jan Scholl said...

starting a pillow fight with hubby and not realizing he had a cigar in his mouth. (he did quit smoking them soon after but the pillow was burned as was his face)

Cheryl KVD said...

OMG!! I would LOVE a Bella! I keep asking Santa for some, but he never gets the hint, so I don't have any!! My fav. moment was when I was at a scrapbook cabin and I had cut 12 photos into 1 inch pieces. I saw they had a Xyron there, so I put them all though to make them stickers. Well, I realized that this Xyron was a laminator, not a sticker maker and I spent 3 hours peeling the lamination off of my precious photos!
Cheryl KVD

winthrop84 said...

I had a great time reading everyone's ding dong moments. That is a super question to answer in order to win a fun Bella.

My ding dong moment happened when I was working the drive through at a Hardees while in college. (Just in case you don't have one, it is a fast food hamburger restaurant.) Anyway, when a car drove up the the speaker, I said, "Welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?" I was so embarrassed, because as soon as I said it, I knew I named the wrong restaurant. There was a really long pause, and then the customer gave their order. I was thinking that perhaps they hadn't heard my mistake. Unfortunately, when they drove up to the window to pick up the order, everyone in the car was laughing, and the driver asked if I had said welcome to McDonalds. So, my cheeks turned bright red, and I told them yes, and I had a good laugh too.

Sunnymommie said...

my ding dong moment... there so many to tell...

When my fiance went to store and he turn off motor and get out of car but he did not get key car and lock it. He have to wake all the way to home. (less 30 mins) because we have only 1 car... He get spare key from me and he have to go back where he park car at... poor him...


thanks Katey

Linda said...

well, how about locking my daughter in the car? Not once, but twice? In the course of less than 24 hours! IN MY DRIVEWAY.

Yup...but to my credit, I really WASN'T at fault for the 2nd one. The first one required waking a "night working" neighbor in the middle of a very warm spring day in Georgia in order to use his phone (since my cell was locked in the car, of course). The cops came...called courtesy lockout for me. Kept my 2 1/2 year old daughter entertained and cool (by covering the window with a blanket). The locksmith came, unlocked the door, and we were set...until the following morning. I put my daughter in her seat, put my keys on the front seat, and ran back into the house to get the covered dish I was bringing for playgroup. I heard CLICK...and the car door locked. YUP. But THIS TIME, I had the blessing of having an unlocked house, so I called my roadside assistance and they came immediately. Turns out when the 1st locksmith opened the door, he damaged the lock, causing it to lock at random. Now I keep my keys on a lanyard, and around my neck.

Anonymous said...

Oh Lordy there are so many! I have ordered doubles of things innumerable times. I have also called the same person twice many times. When you're 61, we call them senior moments but I think I like ding dong better!
Mary Puskar

Anonymous said...

I too ordered two of the same bella's, but mine was cruisabella. Not to worry the second one went into my daughters best friend's Christmas box of goodies. She was very pleased to get it.

Cathy M said...

Count me in on this sweet ding dong candy! I love Bella stamps, but only a few. Ok I hate to say it, but I think I have at least one a day. The first one that comes to mind it rushing around my house to find my glasses and getting more upset by the minute and asking my husband will you help me. Of course he says with what? My glasses! Honey there on your head.(I wear them alot like a headband) Duh! I wasted so much time looking for something that I never lost...just misplaced.
Hope someone out there gets alittle giggle out of this.
Thanks for a chance.

Liz said...

In a mad rush to get to work, I remember I put my daughter in her car seat, got to work and then realized I forgot to drop her off at daycare! Ugh! Imagine my frustration!

Anonymous said...

I had just bought a new camera, went to use it in Chicago, did not take off my gloves and it slipped right out of my hands and onto the cement. Broke! My fault! Learned to always have a good grip on a camera when I go to use it.
Linda Peterson

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Can I just say you made my day???
And, I LOVE BELLAs! So many cute ones!!!! (and I have doubled up as well - the veggiebella.. I gave one to my dd)...
I loved reading through all of these! Just got home from 3 hours of errands with my two kids and I was at my wits end until I got to your site!
I, like so many others, have lots of ding dong moments...
A 'classic' was in November...Four of us were at my house for a belated stamp camp and I made lunch for everyone, including my family... I made a pasta dish and a salad... After lunch I cleaned up, and we all got back to business...
Later that day, about 5 pm, I found the leftover pasta, in a container, in my Tupperware drawer! ACK!!!

Ruth Shimomura said...

I'll do anything to win a Bella. I'll even confess: As a new mom, I wondered how my usually happy baby was soooo fussy. I tried everything to get back his smile. About an hour later, to my horror I discovered that I had pinned him to his cloth diaper. Needless to say, he had Pampers from that day on. I'm happy to report, he survived his childhood and now has a baby of his own.

Anonymous said...

My most recent one was just this morning.

I poured cereal in the bowl then milk, then put my supplies away. At lunch I went to grab some soup from the pantry only to find the milk in there. In returning that to the fridge, I found the cereal in there.

But I have several of these moments..... quite frequently. DH gets a kick out of it, and never corrects me.

Pegg S said...

My ding-dong moments are usually injuries! I am kind of a spazz. Thankfully I'm not as bad now that I'm an adult! But the other night, we had just gotten a new tabletop grill - I plugged it in, not realizing that the switch was on. Of course I touch it and burned my hand... OK not so funny! :)
~pegg (peggstone at

Linda SS said...

The older I get, the more frequent these ding dong moments occur. A couple of recent ones were wearing my top inside out when I went to church, and going to a neighborhood meeting not realizing I had on two different shoes. I apparently need better lighting in my bedroom:)

Spress said...

My family lives in two different states, depending on the season. I often travel to visit them on weekends...and typically I do this in the summertime as that's when they are at the beach :-) I usually leave early on Saturday mornings, and if I haven't had my coffee I REALLY need to pay attention in driving. least once a year I do NOT get off the highway at the exit I need in order to head to the beach house...I continue as if I'm going to the other location!! I've gotten as far as 50 min out of my way...for a drive that is under 2 hours!!

Sheri said...

Oh My! Just one? I haven't lived this many years to only have one! But the one that stands out is the time I was shopping and left my husband out in the mall. When I was finished, I was distracted and walked up to exactly where I left him and started talking to him. He didn't answer me so I finally looked up to see why he would not talk to me and it was NOT my dh. He has moved and was sitting on a bench watching and laughing at me.


Lori A. said...

I feel like my life is a big ding-dong moment! LOL
A few months ago I drove over to pick my dad up so we could all go to a little league baseball field opening that my son's Tee-ball team was invited to be a part of. When we got back in my van to go it wouldn't start. I couldn't believe the timing! So no big deal because we can just take my dad's car...which was in the garage - and I was parked in the driveway! So we put my van in neutral and guide it out into the street and go on. I'm worrying the whole time because who needs more car repair bills!
So finally we get back and just as I'm about to settle in with the fact that I need to call a tow truck, my dad asks if maybe I'm out of gas...well, of course not! I never run out of gas. So just for kicks he goes and fills a gas can...and tada! The van starts. That would have been an expensive & embarassing lesson if I'd had the van towed to the repair shop.

Anonymous said...

I am famous for getting my daughter to karate only to realize that her uniform is hanging neatly right beside the door. Which wouldn't be so bad if we didn't live a half hour out of town!!! Happy to hear I'm not the only one with ding dong moments!!!
Wendy M

Anonymous said...

My ding dong moment was when I took my daughter to the dentist. We finished our appointment, got some lunch then I headed back to work...only to discover her sitting in her carseat at my work rather than back at school where I should have taken her. Thanks. LOVE your blog!

GabrielaD said...

lol... some of these are very funny.

I also have so many to choose from. My latest... I made coffee early in the morning and poured myself a cup... then I proceeded to give the cup to my 3 year old son. He said.. "mom what is this!", looking down at his cup seeing the dark liquid. I then realized that I had served my coffee in his little cup.


Anonymous said...

That is too funny...
I just did the same thing with my SU! order. I ordered 2 of the one of a kind set. I guess I liked it so much I needed 2, and in the same order, I ordered the wrong cello bags. I thought I was the only one who did that sort of stuff.

Jody Morrow said...

I have a friend Tracy who is a "serial second time buyer". What does that mean? She likes something SOOOOOO much, she buys it twice... often! LOL I ALWAYS used to tease her about it and ask her WHY she did it. After all... shouldn't she know what she has blah blah blah. Well, that was before I bought 2 Amuse cats, then 2 Amuse turkey saying... then 2 Amuse pumpkin stands... the list goes on. I am now a serial second time buyer! *sigh* WHY OH WHY don't I know what I have! LMBO!

tyrymom29 said...

Ohhh I have a good one that happened this morning ...My DH asked me if I could drive him to a nearby field they were all leaving on to go Snowmobiling I said Sure !! He did ask me 3 times your sure you can drive my Big pick up with the trailer ....HELLO OF COURSE !!! well I did fine going out of the yard all the way there !!! On the way back was great till I got back in the yard ...Guess what I hit ?????the fence ...Knocked a big piece down ....ohoh ....It was 6am first of all and this trailer is WIDE !!!! I called my lil brother and he came over and we fixed the fence !! Hopefully he wont notice Its just 2 fence post but they are just on top of the other piece !! We snowblowed lots of snow on that side So he wont notice !!! Ill tell him sometime when summer gets closer ......LOL ~~~

Anonymous said...

Several years ago my friend and I flew to Orlando to go to Disney. We rented a car and drove to the parking area, hopped on a tram and spent a wonderful day. Well, 6pm, sore feet and hungry we headed to the parking area to discover we had no idea where we parked, or what our car looked like! Do you know how big that parking lot is? Its the size of Rhode Island! After many minutes of panic we started to piece a couple of things together and after about an hour and tons of laughter at our insanity we found the car! Oh my! Next time note the signs to which lot and the car liscense plate!!and color!!! lol

Seize the Daisy! said...

I won a stamp at a stamp convention and later that afternoon bought the same stamp!
Sooooo crazy. LoriE.

Unknown said...

oh my goodness, I have been having a right giggle at reading some of these, okay I have a fair few ding dongs, but one of my best would have to be going out my front door to get something, hearing it close and turning round to find it had definitely closed and was one of those UPVC ones without a handle in the front to open, my baby was sat in her low seat in the front room!!!!!!!!!! I had to run, in my slippers all the way around the whole block to the back of the house, to find that the back door was still locked as I hadn't opened it since hubby went to work, I then had to run about half mile to where hubby works (thank god) to get his back door key, you have never seen two such lunatics running all the way back to get to the baby!!!!!!! Lets put it this way, we very quickly got a new front door, with a handle on both sides, lol (and she was fine, still sat in her low chair in front of the teletubbies!!!) lol

Elaine said...

Oh oh oh oh!!! Ding dong moment is when I think of my stamps as kids:
Billieboarabella is a way too cute stamp!! I have a nice home for that stamp!! There are plenty of Bella sisters to keep our newly adopted child company and even a bella "hearty tree" (item kvaL3) to play under! Bella Siblings may appear dirty and inky, but we love them nonetheless! At least they're not neglected and have SEEN their neighborhood inkpads! heheheh!

Anonymous said...

This was when my son was about 1 1/2 mths old (He is my one and only for now and I was trying to get used to the mommy mush brain). We were leaving the house, I lock the front door, put my son in his car seat and went to start the truck and realize I didn't have my keys. Thinking they were in the locked house I ran to the back yard grabbed a chair and broke in through the tiny kitchen window. I couldn't find my keys anywhere in the house. So I checked my diaper bag (it was in the truck)and sure enough they were in the bag and with me the whole time.

Angel said...

I have a great ding dong moment from when I was first married. I wanted to make a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and the can had a recipe for a "Fancy Pumpkin Pie". I decided we did not need anything FANCY and just dumped the can of pie filling in the shell and baked it. Needless to say we didn't eat it. I haven't had any ding dong moments as bad as that in years! Thanks for offering us your blooper!

Anonymous said...

Talk about a Ding Dong moment, I just left a comment (the mommy mush brain story) and forgot to leave my email address.

Anonymous said...

My "ding dong" moment happens pretty regularly for me. I am always picking up my home phone and saying "thank you for calling (my company name), this is Heather, how can I help you?
I get a lot of laughs.

cvnhjw on scs

scrapfancy said...

If only we could have one DUH moment in life.
Mine would be the time my husband and I are in the grocery store. I am ahead and he is with the basket. I am talking and take an item off the shelf. I reach behind and put the item in the basket. Lo and behold I turn and another man happens to be standing there. OUCH! I take it out and say I guess you do not need this!!!! LOL
My husband was behind him and I did wonder why he had not answered me...LOL
Girls can we be so funny.
Thanks for the this fun moment!!!

Gailanne said...

Ding Dong moment...I bought a Starbucks latte yesterday and put it on the roof of my van while I rearranged the contents of my back seat. You guessed it...I merrily drove away, not realizing until five minutes later that my latte had not accompanied me, but was splayed somewhere behind me. Embarrassed and thirsty!

Anonymous said...

Many to chose from here! When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had such a hard time keeping up with everything, because I was just so sick. I was so proud that I got a birthday card out to my best friend's daughter. A few days later, my best friend called me and asked if I had sent her daughter a card, and proceeded to describe it to a "T". I had sent the card without signing it at all!

Anonymous said...

this one is a good one....i am frantically running around the house looking for my misplaced glasses because I always leave them around the house everywhere and as usual we were running late to school. Then i stopped an realized they were on my face already. Duh! I must have been sleep deprived the night before.


Bev said...

My ding dong moment is when I picked up my tv remote and tried to dial it like the phone!
Thanks for the candy!!

Rachel said...

I am so bad. Once, my friend and I were heading to the gym and I forgot my ID. I knew I had brought it with me, but for the life of me I couldn't find it! We drove all the way back to my house and of course I was frantically searching for it everywhere! I was going to drop her home, when I decided to look for it and then I found it, right where I had left it in the car!

Anonymous said...

One day I found my toaster in the fridge where apparently I had put it away, then on another day (ewww) found my little ham where the toaster should have gone!

Did you say ding dong?? at 3am yesterday morning, I had to eat 2 of them, bought them by mistake thought, they were my 1st, supposed to be cupcakes LOL!

thanks for the chance, :) Happy Day

Stacy said...

I am a ding dong most of the time but my fav is when I came home from shopping, unlocked the door, phone is ringing, I run for the phone, set down the keys, back out to the car while talking on phone to unload my packages, go back to door and its locked. I am outside with the dogs and the groceries and the only other key is with my husband who drives truck. Short haul thank God. I called him and he was an hour away. So guess who sat on the porch waiting. You know it me. That is what I get for trying to do too many things at once. And do you know that we still do not have any keys extra anywhere just in case I decide to pull a stunt again. I guess I will have to have two mishaps to learn my lesson. Thanx for the chance to win. Stacy

Donna Baker said...

so many, I'm a klutz. the other day I ran over my big toe with the wheel on my chair because I just didn't think to move my foot!

Anonymous said...

I have so many "ding dong" moments, this one is more of an embarrasing moment though :) A few weeks ago we were at a restraunt, I stood up and got my foot caught on the legs of the table and flew onto the floor landing on my hip and hand...thankfully only 1 person caught my graceful fall! Thanks for the chance at winning!
Nicole L.

Anonymous said...

I have called my friend (on her home phone) and asked where she was. DUH!

I am so excited for a chance at a bella! I have never owned one before but have wished...

RDawnB in AR

Sarah with Duck Soup said...

I'm notorious for forgetting one crutial item at each of my monthly stamp clubs. This month I was so pleased, we got through all of our crafts and I hadn't forgotten a thing. Then my clubbers were ready to place their orders and asked for order forms. . . yep you guessed it, I didn't have them.

Leah said...

Just had one today...was getting some milk for my son and went to the cabinent to take out his sippy cup. I had the milk at the cabinent with me, poured the milk into his cup, handed him his cup and put the milk away in the cabinent! Thankfully I remebered 2 seconds later that, um, that is not where the milk goes!!

Sheila D said...

Okay, ding dong moment or just totally embarrassing. I received some cherry flavored chapstick in my stocking for Christmas. I don't know about you, but when I put on chapstick I'm not really careful where I put it on because it's clear. So I usually just generously slather it on. Well, one day I was going shopping and I used the chapstick before going into the store. I shopped around for a while before I decided to go try on a couple of outfits. When I went into the dressing room, closed the door, hung up the clothes and looked in to mirror, I realized that the chapstick was colored red. I had what looked like red lipstick all over and around my lips. Bright red lipstick. This also was not the first time I used it. I still cringe when I think of it.

Theresa said...

Ok I have these all the time but this one was the one I remember most. I was out on my 3rd date and where playing pool. I had just made a really bad shot. I was so nervous still because I really liked this guy. I said, “I was never really good at Geography" really meaning geometry.... lol Boy did I feel like a ding-dong :)

Loved reading all of these!!!

maiahs_momma said...

My ding dong moment would have to be the other day when I was getting ready for bed ( I wasn't feeling well at the time either)...I took off my jeans to put on my super fleecy pj pants on. Only discover I had put my jeans back on, I fell over laughing hysterically...and this would be my duh moment for sure.


Anonymous said...

I am ALWAYS looking for my sunglasses and then get annoyed when I find them on top of my head!


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