I've got another Lollipop to share with you today... this little guy "Dylan" reminds me exactly of my seven year old, except, my little guy doesn't stand still with his ipod on, he dances, and sings, and is always be-boppin. Last year for Christmas, Santa brough him one of those teeny ipods and it is loaded up with his favorite music. It is a LIFESAVER in the car and he loves listening to it after lights out at night (it plugs into his clock radio.)
Little man has been so sweet to me while my husband is travelling this week. I got out of the shower this morning to find that he'd made my bed for me. Awww. He's also trying really hard to not fight with his little brother, which for me, is the greatest thing ever.
When he gets home from school, he's going to find this little dude waiting for him, with a little iTunes gift card tucked inside (I made a quick little pocket by stitching a piece of patterned paper on three sides.
You can find all of Lori Boyd's Lollipops HERE at Stamping Bella.
Have a wonderful day!
6 Comments Post a Comment:
What a sweet card and he'll be *so* thrilled! Love that bg paper, btw!!
Awwwww, what a sweet boy! He will love this card, Joanne--it "ROCKS"!
Awwww, your son is SO sweet! He is taking care of his Mommy. :)
YOur card is gorgeous and I am sure your son will LOVE it! :)
cute card, cute stamp - NO MOUTH!!!! at least he can't talk back.
Erin gave me a blog award, now I'm passing it to you if you'd like it you can pick it up on my blog
Your Little Man totally deserves this...I mean really, even my hubby doesn't make the bed! This is just so sweet Joanne!!!
Now that lil man is SUCH a good guy!!! The best part, NOT FIGHTING... LOL What a sweet guy and so glad you are rewarding his helpfulness with the LOVE FILLED card... the itunes gc aint half shabby either! ;)
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