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Aug 12, 2008


Sad day for me today.  Found out that my younger son has even more food allergies than my eldest.  And, that my eldest son's allergies are getting worse, not better despite my best efforts to keep our house free of anything that might trigger a reaction.

Off to schedule doctors appointments, do some reading etc.  Sort of kills my mojo to stamp... be back hopefully soon.

If you have any advice on the subject, would love to hear it.

13 Comments    Post a Comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Jo so sorry to hear about your rough day! I don't have any advice . . . other than one day at a time! You will do what's best for your boys and they will love you all the more for it! HUGS!!

MelissaS said...

So sorry to hear those results! Each year when we visit the allergist, I hope and hope DS's allergies are gone. This year, he wouldn't even test dairy based on the strength of last year's reaction. I understand your frustration, and unfortunately have not found much good research other than FAAN.
Best to you and your family!

Melanie said...

I can only offer hugs and prayers... :( sorry girlfriend, keep looking up!!!

carole (TruCarMa) said...

No advice, just {{{{{hugs}}}}} for my buddy. You'll figure it out and it will be okay; I know that much is certain. Hang in there, Joanne!

Anonymous said...

I will keep you in my prayers! A very close friend of mine is dealing with her son's food allergies. I have no knowledge of this, but I can pray! Hugs Girl!

Kelly said...

I don't know that I have any advice, but I can certainly empathize! My son just turned 14 and has had health issues most of his life. Only JUST figured out a year ago that it's because of food allergies. Poor kid had stomachaches and headaches (migraines) almost every day - missed lots of school, etc. Anyway, his allergies are not life threatening but it has meant a whole lot of changes in everything we do involving food. I can't believe how hard it is to feed this kid!! He has milk (including beef), egg, and mold allergies (and the mold covers everything processed, canned, dried, fermented....) I have a friend whose children have opposite allergies (like one is allergic to milk and the other to no milk or soy milk for them.) We talk alot and try to encourage each other. So, what I really want to say is that if you just need an "ear" to listen or someone to chat with, feel free to email me.

Carolyn King said...

Huge hugs girl. I cannot imagine how hard that is....
Having grown up with a friend with a peanut allergy, I know how difficult life can be with severe allergies. My little one has severe ezema from environmental triggors---no fun esp when it flares.

Sending lots of hugs and prayers...

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about these problems. It's so hard to figure it all out. I don't have advice except to do your research, as you are doing. Big hugs.

Lori A. said...

So sorry to hear about the difficulties! We don't have any experience with this so I don't have any advice. Sending prayers your way!

Charmaine (CharmWarm) said...

Oh no, Joanne! That is a real bummer! I have to schedule Savannah's appointment here soon. . .and I'd like to schedule one for Arwen to see if she has any food allergies. I totally feel your pain girl! HUGS!

Julie Cluff said...

So sorry to hear about your difficulty! Health issues can be so difficult. I became a Reliv distributor because of the fantastic health benefits my family received. My kids have been off all of their meds for severe allergies and asthma for 2 years now. (And I got relief from auto-immune issues.) I've met lots of people who have had significant results with food allergies.

If you know someone where you are that is a Reliv distributor, give them a call. If not, I would be happy to get you the info you need.

Blessings to you and your family.

Tricia T said...

Just a note on the Reliv product. My daughters who have severe food allergies can use it, but I am actually allergic to it. Be careful! We were introduced to muscle testing through our chiropractor and it has been so helpful, to be able to test a food before we eat it. We are a family like the one mentioned with opposite allergies. My daughter is celiac - so no gluten. She also has trouble with various other foods such as corn. My second daughter has severe reactions to butter. She also struggles with tomato, broccoli, and different food combinations - like hamburger, potatoes, and peas together. I, on the other hand, can't eat the gluten free flour, or xantham gum - which are staples for my celiac daughter. I can only have whole wheat flour... which is *horrible* to have in the house. And I can't have my daughter's butter substitute, I have to have the real thing.

Here's a few tips. Wash your hands after everything. When I make a meal I wash them probably 20 times so I don't cross-contaminate anything. - Be careful about reusing things like dishtowels and potholders. We go through probably 10 a day. - Consider homeschooling. It is much easier to keep the allergies under control. - With both my dd's if they merely touch something that is contaminated they will have a reaction. Realize that pencils, bedding, crayons, etc. that they used before diagnosis may be contaminated.

Hope that helps some! I'm always here if you need to chat!!

ZM said...

how old is the eldest? between 2-6 yrs the kids' immune systems tend to spike, making it look like the allergies have gotten worse. I hated myself when the Eldest was 3, then 4, then, 5 and especially 6, as we watched those RAST tests go up, up up. But the fency shmency allergist we see now says that's typical...


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