I cut paper for some make and takes, Karen made a beautiful display out of some random samples I had laying around and nobody was interested - not in the least! I take that back, we met one very sweet woman who really seemed to enjoy her cards, and I'm hoping will join us for my next class!

That sweet woman aside, we had no takers. In fact, when Karen asked one woman who was watching me make a card if she' d like to make one, her response was "Absolutely NOT!" I nearly peed my pants laughing over that one.
Lucky for me, Karen is such a good sport, not only did she join me for an afternoon of designing and shopping at our LSS the next day, but then she treated me to this beauty in my mailbox the next day!
I literally squealed with delight to find these sweet Elzy's all "Copified" and stitched up with her new Janome! I tell you, I'm a dangerous friend to have, real life enabling is way more dangerous than web enabling!
Let me say, this card looks good in the picture, but in real life, its a stunner! There is shimmer and shine all over this baby and all the back ink is embossed. It's so pretty! I'm on a mission to make this girl use the giant stash she's got going on. She puts my "collection" to shame, and that....is not easy.
3 Comments Post a Comment:
awh...thanks! It was super fun making it for you in "your" colours. :)
What a sweet RAK!!!
Very pretty card to receive!
I'm sorry your craft fair didn't go well. What a bummer! :(
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