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Jan 11, 2009

Yummy and Safe Food in our Bellies

This weekend and op-ed piece was published by the LA times by a real moron indicating that nut allergies are just a yuppie ploy for attention.  I won't link to his post thereby increasing his readership...but I will say this, I was seething.  Completely enraged, then did a search on Twitter, and found that yes, people actually agree with this jerk. They think its total baloney.   

Is it crazy that all the sudden nut allergies, and actually food allergies in general, are on the rise? YES!  But, is it a figment of my imagination, or have I manufactured an immune system response in both my children, whereby their little bodies fight food protein as if it is a disease? Clearly not.  

While I'd love to get on a plane and punch this moron in the face (ugh, did I go a little too mama lion there or what?) Instead, I'd like to write a very special thank you to two establishments that have gone above and beyond to cater to my two boys.  I'll admit, there are very few places I eat out with the boys, as I'm worried about an accidental ingestion.  But I'm here to thank two places where I've been so pleased with their level of service with regard to food allergies.

We've eaten at Joe's three times in the last six months, twice here in our town, and once in Providence Rhode Island. Each time, the manager came to the table to review the menu with us, and provided some guidance in our selections.  We decided that since the bread was made at an off site bakery, that it wasn't a good choice.  Without access to the baker at the bakery, we couldn't be sure what else is made in the facility, even though the bread itself was nut free.  The cause of concern, for those of you unfamiliar with food allergies, is cross contamination. Was the loaf of bread cooked at the same time as say, almond croissants?  Is there residue on the utensils? On the baking sheets etc.?  For me, the possibility of cross contamination wasn't worth the risk.  

We also ruled out the pita chips for the boys. Although nut free on their own, they are placed as part of the salad bar, and there are nuts on several of the salad items  which could potentially "mingle" among the ingredients.  

The waitress brought some packages of oyster crackers for the boys and of course, some tasty Shirley Temples and got their dinners out quickly.  

My three year old has a coconut allergy as well, so I do not give him fried food in any restaurants.  I figure, what fry-o-lator hasn't had coconut shrimp and or chicken.  Lucky for me, he's happy with pasta, grilled cheese or pizza which usually meets our requirements at most restaurants.

For the last two years, we've strictly avoided ice cream parlors.  The problem is that even if we select ice cream that is nut free, there is always the possibility that the person ahead of you had something with nuts in it, along with a scoop of plain vanilla! Think about the ice cream scoops, its usually one scooper, used across the variety of flavors.

On a recent shopping excursion, we ventured into Ben and Jerry's as a little bribe for good behavior.  I always purchase their vanilla ice cream in the supermarket, so I figured the in store version was likely an acceptable choice.  I spoke with the server, and requested to see the ingredient list for the in store vanilla, just in case.  As expected, hooray, it was clean! The young guy at the counter, grabbed a new scooper and opened a pristine package of vanilla ice cream for my boys.  Thus eliminating any chance of cross contamination either from residue on the scooper itself, or left on the product from a prior scoop!  

You can't even imagine how thrilled my boys were.  Ice cream seems like a simple thing, that is unless you're the one that always has to take a pass on it. We always skip dessert at restaurants and just have something safely at home.  But really, doesn't it just taste that much better when its at the ice cream parlor? mmmmm.

We're going skiing in Vermont next month, and I can't wait to visit Ben and Jerry's Headquarters!!!  

I'm so thrilled whenever we find some place that my boys can feel just like all the other kids, and I can breathe a sigh of relief.  Thank you Joe's and Ben and Jerry's for keeping my boys safe, and for tasty food in our bellies!!  

13 Comments    Post a Comment:

Unknown said...

wow, my friend just alerted me to your blog. i too have two boys and they have food allergies. the oldest, aged 3, has anaphalactic allergy to milk. he has outgrown egg and soy. and appears to have outgrown peanut on the tests but we have not given it to him yet. the youngest, age 1, is moderately allergic to egg and oat. AND, i too am a SU demonstrator! i have a stamping blog but also a food allergy blog where i try to help other parents find ways to maneuver around the confinements of food allergies. the boys have never eaten restaurant food...i'm glad you've found some safe places for your family.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I check your blog all the time (you're in my reader) and have left comments here and there, but I hadn't said anything in response to your boy's allergies until now. That guy is INSANE!!! I have gone into anaphylaxis from allergy shots themselves, and I swell up and show the beginnings of anaphylaxis after eating many raw veggies, fruits, and almonds (cooked are fine - it denatures the protein that I'm allergic to) but I don't think I have to worry nearly as much as you do!!! I've lost my voice because I ate a green pepper that made my throat swell so much that I was still able to breath, but it messed up my vocal chords for several hours. So I guess maybe I'm making up these symptoms too for attention? Yeah, those two shots of steroids in my stomach after my allergy shots were SO FUN!! What is that man thinking?!?!? My allergies first reared their ugly head when I was about 11 or 12 and it has gotten a little worse over time. I sure hope that for your boys it is different and they might outgrow all or at least some of them!!! Food is such a comforting thing for most people. You are such a great mom though - not letting your guard down. Best wishes for you and your boys on this journey!!

Unknown said...

I think it's wonderful that the people working in those establishments took your concerns to heart and helped you have a positive experience at their store/restaurant. Have you emailed the stores about this? I am sure they'd be thrilled with the positive feed(hah) back.

Have fun at the B&J headquarters!!

Shannan Teubner said...

You know, people without allergies don't understand what a big deal it is to eat out, period! It's scary, putting yours or your kiddo's health in some 18 year old's hands. LOL I'm so glad you found some safe places, and an ice cream parlor? OMG! Heaven!

carole (TruCarMa) said...

Wow. Thanks for sharing your perspective on this issue, J. Heaven knows we have our own issues to deal with, but thankfully, allergies aren't one of 'em. (yet! you never know, right?) Still, as the mother of a special needs kiddo, I'm definitely empathetic to all who struggle on behalf of their children who don't fit the so-called 'normal' box in every which way. Posts like this create awareness, which helps the rest of us see from your point of view. Next time we hear of a child with an allergy, we'll know better how to treat that child and his/her parent with sensitivity and understanding. You're doing a good thing here, my friend!

Chrisd said...

I too have food allergies so I can understand your happinesss in meeting the needs of your children. Whenever we do eat out, I ask to speak to the chef if I have any questions about the way the food is prepared.Most of the time the chef is more than happy to accomodate my food challenges.
I have found that even "safe restaurants" may change the recipes or procedures if the is a change of chefs.
Ben and Jerry's do have wonderful sorbet choices-only choices for me.

Tricia T said...

Right there with you Mama Lion!! :) My dd wants to crawl into the floor sometimes, I think, when I call down the servers at BK for not putting her fries in a separate bag, but putting them in with the hamburger (she has celiac-no wheat) and then pulling them out to put them in a seperate bag. My kids say my eyes get really big and I look scary... :) (They're all teens... methinks they exaggerate, but maybe not!!)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see you watch what is exactly placed in the foods when you eat out. I say this because my sweet DD lost her best friend in junior high because of her allergies to nuts. It was Lacey's birthday and she wanted to eat at Fresh Choice Soup and Salad bar which they had done many times before. My daughter was with her when all this happened. The cards had the ingredients listed on them next to the muffins, salads, soups and so forth. Lacey chose a nut/nut oil free muffin to eat with her salad. My daughter said it wasn't 5 minutes and Lacey grabbed her neck waving her hands frantically and fell to the ground. In the time that it took the ambulance to get there (5 minutes) she had died. And this would not have happened if the parents of another devious child had watched their kid changing the labels above the food choices as one patron remembered seeing him doing and laughing about it 5 minutes before Lacey and her family arrived. Needless to say Lacey went to be with the Lord that evening and my daughter has never forgotten that terrible incident and she is now 29 and a mother herself. But she still recalls that terrible evening of Lacey dying because of the switching of the labels on the muffins. Lacey actually had eaten a banana nut muffin instead of a bran muffin she thought she had chosen. There were over 1800 people who attended this angels funeral; even the parents of the boy who had done this was there. So let this jerk dare to say it is all a bunch of hoopla to food allergies. Let him loose his only child and I guarantee he will thank differently!

Kathy W said...

fyi- chili's is also very good you can download information about menu right from website and will give you nut free choices.

hope all is well my friend!

Stef Perry said...

My 60 year old sister has life threatening allergies specifically to peanuts and other legumes. We have pictures of her after touching her face with a finger that was inadvertently exposed to peanut oil on the OUTSIDE of a foodbox from a Thai restauarant that cooked her food separately due to her allegies (needless to say, she stays away from all commercial Asian food because so much of it contains some kind of peanut/peanut oil exposure) People that deny these things are real are truly uninformed and have not had first hand experience or exposure. God bless and I hope you continue to keep your childeren safe.

zekesmom10 said...

So sorry to hear about your little one's scare! I'm glad you had a plan in place and were able to remember it.

My son works at Smuggler's Notch in VT. It's about 20 minutes away. Ben and Jerry's is about an hour away. Where in VT will you be?

Also, I see you have a NE stampers blog, that requires an invitation. How does one get invited?

Jodi in VT

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog from Erika Martin's. I have a daughter who is a Celiac and I know how hard it is to eat out! And people thinking that we are just looking for sympthay! Anyways the other reason for my post - Enjoy Ben & Jerry's, I live in Vermont about 20 mins from there and I have never been to the factory!
Hugs, Debbie (

Anonymous said...

I've had the same good experience at Joes. I've learned the allergy policy of any of the Back Bay Restaurant Group restaurants makes us feel safe about eating there. They are always fantastic.


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