As you may know, both my sons have severe food allergies and we rarely eat out as a result. So, going on vacation for me, is well, maybe a little more stressful than for most.
When we checked in at the airport, I mentioned that I was travelling with two food allergic boys. The attendant had the snacks for the full flight switched right away and we were given priority boarding to get the boys settled in. I cleaned all the surfaces with wipes according to the recommendation of our allergist. This is to prevent the boys from picking up any residue from snacks previously served. And as always, I travelled with several epi pens and lots of Benadryl - just in case! My little guy was thrilled that the airline attendant had the full plane sing him Happy Birthday! So fun!! Thanks Southwest!!
For the last week, we've been at Disney's Wilderness Lodge, which the boys have been calling the "Lincoln Log Hotel" all week. It was outstanding, and I think we will be hard pressed to stay anywhere else for future trips to Disney. We were a short boat ride from the Magic Kingdom and hopped on the "Mickey Busses" to go anywhere else. The boys were troopers, it was incredibly hot all week, and we were on the go each and every day.
I must say that, Disney is truly fantastic at handling food allergies. At every single restaurant, the chef came to our table, discussed the boys allergies with me, and recommended some safe options for each of my sons. Many times, the chef would return the boys dinners directly to our table. We were even able to have a custom cake baked for my little guy, he was totally thrilled!!! This may sound like a simple thing, but my littlest one is allergic to corn, which means he can't have standard things like regular baking powder, confectionary sugar, or even vanilla extract (did you know all those things are made from corn? But that's a story for another day....)
As a backup, we had shipped down some staple items for the boys to enjoy. It was a good backup to have a few bags of "safe cereal" which was corn free for my little one each morning. It was also wonderful to have an assortment of safe snacks, including treats from Natural Candy Store to carry in our backpacks to tide the boys over in case we couldn't find safe alternatives in the park.
Once there, I was thrilled to find that that the parks offer lots of safe and healthy alternatives, including lots of fresh fruit stands throughout the parks. I was even able to find a frozen strawberry fruit bar that the boys could enjoy that was safe for all their allergies. I was pleased that applesauce and carrot sticks are the first choices for children's sides - fries are only offered upon request.
We had such a wonderful time, it was great to spend so much time just playing and having fun, no commitments - just lots of fun!!
I'm home now, and working on unpacking, running the washer and dryer non stop and trying to get life back in order. I've got a Gina K card to show you tomorrow and hope to squeak in some stamping over the next few days to have new things to show you next week!!

8 Comments Post a Comment:
What a fun surprise for your boys! I'm so glad to hear how well your needs were taken care of. My little sister has 3 kids she gets to work with with various food grateful it's not me, but grateful that those who have 'em are able to deal with them.
Disney is a most wonderful place and I am THRILLED to hear that they were able to accommodate your needs. SO happy to hear you had a good time!
sounds like you had a great time! I was at Disney in February with my dairy and egg allergic son, and was also impressed with their awareness and action in regards to his allergies. We spoke to managers and chefs at each place we ate and were able to enjoy the meals with confidence!
What a surprise!! We do the same when we head to Florida..head out at 4am! That's fantastic they were some accomodating. Wow, both your kids have food allergies? That must be a tough one. Is it the same foods? So glad to hear you had a great time. I love Disney too and can't wait to go for our second trip!
WOW!You are adventureous! How wonderful that both Southwest and Disney were so accomodating. All parents worry about keeping our kids safe, but you really have to go that extra mile. I'm glad it was a good experience for all! Can't wait to see your creations again!
WOW! sounds like a fun's been YEARS since i've been to disney, of course, it has also been YEARS since my guys were little!
wow, awesome! Disney does rock and they know how to handle it all. I'm fortunate to not have kids with allergies, BUT we have vactioned there with my SIL and her family. My neice has a peanut allergy so I have witnessed the EXTRA steps they take to ensure your kid will be safe. Glad you expereiced the same thing. We {{{{heart}}}} Disney. It truely is a magical place. Welcome home.
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